Sunday, April 13, 2014

Ch 9 - 12

Discuss the character of Lord Henry and explain his effect on Dorian thus far. Why does Lord Henry choose Dorian as his follower? What makes Dorian want to listen to him and follow his ways? What is it that Dorian is afraid of? - Meg

Second Reading: Ch 5 - 8

Dorian Gray is referred to as "Prince Charming" by the Vane family. How does Dorian's alias relate to his current image in the book? This image is changed by the influence of Lord Henry who represents all of the sins that Dorian has not yet had the courage to commit. How is Dorian's new-found sense of evil portrayed in Basil's painting? How does Lord Henry convince Dorian to continue to allow his Id to control him? What will become of Dorian Gray when James Vane discovers the news of how Dorian hurt his sister?